
SEE International's Work in Niger

SEE launched a partnership with Vision Outreach International in Torodi, Niger in September 2017. Through this partnership, SEE volunteer Dr. Anderson and host Dr. Adamou provide free sight-restoring eye surgery to around 50 patients who suffer from cataracts during each clinic. Since 2017, over 140 individuals have had their sight-restored in Niger.

Icon of doctor

Surgeries Performed in Niger


Blindness in Niger

Niger is a landlocked country in Western Africa that is named after the Niger River. It is one of the poorest countries in the world with two-thirds of its population living on less than $1 a day. The harsh climate, along with poor infrastructure, makes it a challenge to access medical services in Niger, particularly for the people living in rural areas.

For those living in remote villages, it is not uncommon to walk over 6 hours for medical attention, which becomes significantly more difficult during the wet season when flooding occurs throughout the country. With only 7 ophthalmologists in the entire country, eye care is extremely limited, leaving almost 440,000 people suffering from avoidable blindness in Niger to never receive proper treatment.

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