Global Blindness: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Much

Author/Presenter: M. Scott Hickman, MD
Source: SEE International

This presentation about global blindness covers the following topics:

  • SEE’s programs and training courses,
  • Global blindness and visual impairment,
  • Challenges and possible solutions,
  • Literature on the subject of MSICS,and
  • Comparisons of MSICS and Phacoemulsification outcomes

Created by SEE’S Medical Director M. Scott Hickman, MD, with special credit to Drs. Allen Foster, Rengaraj Venkatesh and Geoff Tabin, this lecture is from a SEE International Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) Level 1 course.

Click the image above to view the full lecture

Citation: Hickman, Scott M. “Global Blindness: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How Much.” SEE International. 2018.

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